
London wowed by ancient, heroic dance(5)

2024-02-20 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

With colorful costumes and makeup, ordinary villagers are transformed into outlaw heroes. (Photo provided to China Daily)

He notes that it is their genuine affection for the timeless tradition that makes them who they are today.

Hard work and dedication have been keeping Puning Yingge dance vibrant in China for centuries, and now the troupe's efforts have captivated overseas audiences. As the dancers take their final bow at Burlington Arcade and in Trafalgar Square, enthusiastic applause from the audiences echoes throughout the space.

"Having the opportunity to perform in London is a testament to not just the charm of Chinese traditional culture, but also the enduring power of cultural exchanges," says Wu Chen, chief of the intangible cultural heritage section of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.

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