
China first makes protein from carbon monoxide

2021-11-02 Editor : Chen Tianhao ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Chinese scientists have made breakthroughs in producing protein from carbon monoxide, according to Science and Technology Daily, which is of great significance for China in making up the agricultural weakness and achieving the “Dual Carbon” goals which refer to China’s two climate goals that China would reach its carbon emissions peak before 2030 and become “carbon neutral” before 2060.

According to Xue Min, chief scientist of the project and a researcher at Feed Research Institute, the mass artificial production of protein from natural carbon monoxide and nitrogen sources can break the limit of the natural synthesis of protein.

The innovative project has full independent intellectual property rights, making protein using ingredients like industrial tail gas containing carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide and ammonia water.

Therefore, the low-cost unconventional way of good-quality feed protein production can cut the carbon dioxide emission by 250 million tons for the industrial production of 10 million tons of ethanol clostridium protein, which contains 83 percent of pure protein.



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