
China to set up new batch of national parks in 2022

2022-05-23 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download
Photo shows the wetland in Sanjiangyuan National Park. (Photo provided by the administration bureau of Sanjiangyuan National Park)

Photo shows the wetland in Sanjiangyuan National Park. (Photo provided by the administration bureau of Sanjiangyuan National Park)

(ECNS) -- China will set up a new batch of national parks in Qinghai-Tibet plateau, Yellow River, Yangtze River and other areas with essential ecological locations and good ecological functions, according to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.

China has worked out a plan for the spatial layout of national parks, which will comprehensively consider the natural geographical pattern, ecological function pattern, biodiversity and typical landscape distribution characteristics.

Fifty or so candidate areas will be selected with a total area of 10 percent of the country’s land territory. The establishment of national parks will effectively protect the most representative ecosystems in China and more than 80 percent of wild animal and plant species as well as their habitats under national key protection.

In October 2021, China released its first national park list which involves ten provinces and regions with an area of 230 thousand square meters.


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