
2 years on, offshore duty-free sales exceed $13.5 bln in Hainan

2022-07-04 Editor : Zhang Dongfang ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- A total of 125 million items under the offshore duty-free policy with a value of 90.6 billion yuan (about $135 billion) during 12.28 million instances of shopping have been supervised by Hainan Customs till the end of June since the commencement of offshore duty-free policy on July 1, 2020.

Hainan updated the policy on offshore duty-free shopping in 2020, with the annual offshore duty-free shopping limit per person increasing to 100,000 yuan from 30,000 yuan, the limit of 8,000 yuan for a single tax-free purchase removed, and the number of categories growing from 38 to 45.

According to Hainan Customs, the average daily offshore duty-free shopping amount has reached 124 million yuan, an increase of 257 percent compared with that before the implementation of new policies. The top three commodities in sales are cosmetics, watches and jewelry.

On June 28, the first offshore duty-free shopping festival was held in Hainan, with more than 50 marketing activities to be held in the half year of 2022 to promote the rapid recovery and growth of offshore duty-free sales impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.


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