
Winners of 2022 Inaugural WLA Prize announced

2022-09-30 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Winners of the Inaugural World Laureates Association (WLA) Prize were announced on Thursday in Shanghai, with 10 million yuan ($1.41 million) awarded for each prize.

Michael I. Jordan, professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences & Department of Statistics at UC Berkeley, was awarded the 2022 WLA Prize in Computer Science or Mathematics, for his fundamental contributions to the foundations of machine learning and its application, said the World Laureates Association.

Dirk Görlich, a scientific member and director of the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, was awarded the 2022 WLA Prize Laureate in Life Science or Medicine, for his key discoveries elucidating the mechanism and selectivity of protein transport between the cytoplasm and nucleus, according to the association.

The WLA Prize is an international science prize, established in Shanghai in 2021 and managed by the WLA Foundation, and exclusively funded by Sequoia China.

The WLA Prize aims to recognize and support eminent researchers and technologists worldwide for their contributions to science. It is intended to support global science and technology advancement, address the challenges to humanity, and promote society's long-term progress.

Each year, the WLA Prize is awarded in two categories: the "WLA Prize in Computer Science or Mathematics" and the "WLA Prize in Life Science or Medicine."

The total award for each Prize, which may be divided among up to four laureates, is 10 million yuan.

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