
China launches 13th Arctic Ocean exploration

2023-07-12 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- The 13th Chinese Arctic scientific expedition team, organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources, set out from Shanghai onboard polar icebreaker Xuelong 2 on an expedition to the Arctic Ocean on Wednesday.

The expedition is expected to cover a total distance of approximately 15,500 nautical miles and is scheduled to return to Shanghai in late September.

It will focus on the Central Arctic Ocean Pacific Sector and the Gakkel Ridge. The team will carry out tasks including long-term observation of key environmental factors, geological and geophysical surveys of the mid-ocean ridge, national scientific and technological program projects, and international cooperation.

The experts will conduct investigations on atmospheric conditions, sea ice, oceanography, and sediment environments, as well as surveys on biological communities and resources, and pollution monitoring. Comprehensive sea ice surveys will be conducted possibly in ice-covered areas.

This expedition will enhance China's capabilities in Arctic environmental protection, rapid response to Arctic changes, and assessment of marine pollution. It aims to obtain key information and data necessary for research on mid-ocean ridge dynamics. It will promote international cooperation in Arctic scientific research by collaborating with scientists from countries such as Russia and Thailand, according to the Ministry.

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