
Insights | Pakistani scholar: People-centered approach key to CPC's success

2023-07-13 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

By Zhang Naiyue

(ECNS) -- On the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Hannan Hussain, assistant research associate at the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI), expressed his appreciation for the actions taken by the CPC in poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, and the fight against COVID-19 in an exclusive interview with China News Network. He believes that its people-centered philosophy has been the mainstay of the CPC's vision.

Hussain pointed out that in the past 40 years, China has lifted nearly 800 million people out of poverty, contributing to 75% of the global poverty reduction. “China takes proactive actions to build a more prosperous and poverty-free society, driven by decades of dedicated work. China's contribution to the world is evident," said Hussain, who is also a writer.

He mentioned that China, being a huge country, has made efforts in preventing are turn to poverty by providing enough economic and social incentives. He thinks that China's experience in poverty alleviation also offers a model for other countries.

The achievement of lifting a significant number of impoverished rural residents out of poverty in itself was driven by the fact that development has to put people in the first place. This people-centered philosophy has been the mainstay of the CPC's vision, he said, adding that "I think this reinforces the fact that it's really important to deliver the interests of the people."

Hussain observed that China has taken into account the issue of connectivity in remote villages and has done much work to address it, and then the convenience of the internet can be utilized to drive further economic development. For instance, he mentioned the successful Olympic Games in China, which not only boosted the tourism industry but also contributed to rural revitalization and facilitated the cultivation of new talents.

He also recalled recent key events, highlighting the heroic undertaking of 39 million CPC members involved in fighting against the COVID-19 outbreak."I think, in some ways, it reflects the determination that the CPC has demonstrated in the interests of key national targets," said Hussain. 

During the interview, he also pointed out that it can be observed that in the policies and targets set by the CPC, the interests of the people are extensively reflected and continuously strengthened and consolidated."It becomes the key metric of CPC's success in the future and present time," concluded Hussain.



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