
Beijing evacuates over 52 thousands residents amid heavy rain damage

2023-08-01 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- A total of 52,384 Beijing residents were relocated due to the risk of flooding caused by intense and constant rains as of 8:00 p.m. on Monday, according to the local flood control office.

Some 107 mountain roads in the capital were closed and 301 mountain gorges were shut down. A total of 4,069 construction sites were suspended, and all tourist attractions and rural homestays in the city were closed.

Beijing has received reports of 108 locations experiencing waterlogging, 46 of which have been resolved. Several districts, including Fengtai, Shijingshan, Fangshan, Mentougou, Changping, and Huairou, have multiple road sections disrupted due to water accumulation, leading to road closures.

Water damage in Fangshan and Mentougou has resulted in three trains being stranded on Monday. On Tuesday morning, four transport helicopters carrying 26 military personnel flew to locations including the Yanhecheng Railway Station in Mentougou.

They were assigned to carry out tasks such as air-dropping relief supplies to the stranded trains and transporting the sick and injured. The planned airdrop included 1,900 units of food, 900 raincoats, 700 blankets, and other urgently needed materials.

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