
Death toll from Morocco earthquake rises to more than 1,000

2023-09-09 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download
People gather at open space after a 6.9-magnitude that struck Morocco Friday night. (Photo/Agencies)

People gather at open space after a 6.9-magnitude that struck Morocco Friday night. (Photo/Agencies)

(ECNS) -- The death toll from a 6.9-magnitude that struck Morocco Friday night has risen to 1,037, according to media reports on Saturday.

Hundreds more were injured.

The epicenter of the earthquake was near the town of Ighil in Al Haouz Province, some 70 km southwest of Marrakesh, the nearest big city to the epicenter.

The powerful earthquake has damaged many buildings from villages in the Atlas Mountains to the historic city of Marrakesh.

The Red Cross Society of China (RCSC) has decided to provide the Moroccan Red Crescent with 200,000 U.S. dollars in cash as emergency humanitarian assistance, the organization said on Saturday.


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