
Silk Road in eye of Russian painter: art brings us closer

2023-10-11 17:01:57 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download
Kosterina Evgeniya introduces her artwork

Kosterina Evgeniya introduces her artwork "On the Road". (Photo provided to China News Service)

(ECNS) -- "I hope that through such activities, children from China and Russia can gain an understanding of different cultures and get to know art and history," said Kosterina Evgeniya, a Russian painter, who has held many youth painting exhibitions in both countries.

Evgeniya has lived in northwest China’s Gansu Province for more than a decade.

"Gansu is rich in historical and cultural heritage, with diverse natural landscapes. Colored pottery culture, the Silk Road, Dunhuang art, and local ethnic custom have all inspired my creations," she said.

In recent days, over 500 paintings featuring Silk Road elements, including desert camel caravans, cave murals, and local landscapes, have been exhibited at the A9 Art Gallery in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province. The exhibition reflects the understanding of the Silk Road by youth from China and Russia.

During Evgeniya’s studies at the Moscow State Pedagogical University Art School, she encountered painters with different styles, and often participated in exhibitions and lectures related to Chinese culture.

Fueled by her passion for Chinese painting, after graduating from university, Evgeniya chose to come to Lanzhou for further studies.

In 2010, her dream came true as Evgeniya entered the Northwest Normal University to study Chinese painting. She remarked, "Having the opportunity to come to China to study Chinese painting is a rare chance given to me by destiny."

During her studies at Northwest Normal University, Evgeniya experienced her first journey along the Hexi Corridor. This trip changed her perception of Northwest China, providing a renewed understanding of the Silk Road.

After the journey, Evgeniya created her first artwork related to the Silk Road, named On the Road. "Every time I walk on the Silk Road, there is always a different mood. Ancient merchants had to overcome many obstacles along the way, but the challenges of nature also gave us a lot of strength, much like our current lives. We are always on the road."

In her works, grottoes appear many times.Evgeniyasays thatthey embody the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature. Despite cultural differences, art brings us closer together.

As a painting teacher at Longdong University, Evgeniya hopes to assist her students in finding more inspiration for their creative endeavors in her own way.

"I often use Russian painting themes to teach students how to paint. I hope that Russian painting will bring them new inspiration and stimulate their creativity," she said.


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