
Chinese FM Wang Yi says Xi-Biden meeting produces deliverables in a number of areas

2023-11-17 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the summit meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden on Wednesday produced deliverables in a number of areas.

Wang Yi, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, told the media that in the spirit of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, the two sides discussed dialogue and cooperation in various fields, and reached more than 20 deliverables in such areas as political affairs and foreign policy, people-to-people exchange, global governance, and military and security.

Wang introduced that some of these have already been delivered in the lead-up to the summit meeting and others were agreed upon through consultation during the summit.

On principles guiding the China-U.S. relations, the two presidents endorsed the efforts of their respective diplomatic teams to discuss principles related to China-U.S. relations since the Bali meeting and the common understandings arising from those discussions, he said.

“They stressed the importance of all countries treating each other with respect and finding a way to live alongside each other peacefully, and of maintaining open lines of communication, preventing conflict, upholding the U.N. Charter, cooperating in areas of shared interest, and responsibly managing competitive aspects of the relationship,” according to Wang.

Wang said these seven points of common understanding are very important in that they provide a solid foundation for deeper discussions going forward, and the leaders welcomed continued discussions in this regard.

On dialogue and cooperation, the two sides decided to step up high-level interactions, advance or launch regular consultations in such areas as commerce, economy, finance, export control, the Asia-Pacific, maritime, arms control and nonproliferation, foreign policy planning, China-U.S. joint working group, and disability issues, Wang introduced.

The two sides agreed to start consultations on extending the China-U.S. Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement, and on resuming the China-U.S. Joint Committee on Cooperation in Agriculture, he added.

On people-to-people exchange, the two sides reiterated the importance of ties between the people of China and the United States, and committed to work toward a significant further increase in scheduled passenger flights early next year, Wang said.

“They agreed on education cooperation and encouraged the expansion of student, cultural, youth and business exchanges,” he added.

On global governance, the two heads of state underscored the importance of working together to accelerate efforts to tackle the climate crisis, and welcomed recent positive discussions between their respective special envoys for climate, including on national actions to reduce emissions in the 2020s, common approaches toward a successful COP28, and operationalization of the Working Group on Enhancing Climate Action in the 2020s, the minister said.

The two sides released the Sunnylands Statement on Enhancing Cooperation to Address the Climate Crisis. They also agreed to establish government talks on artificial intelligence, Wang said.

Wang also noted that on military, security and law enforcement, the two sides agreed to resume on the basis of equality and respect high-level military-to-military communication, the China-U.S. Defense Policy Coordination Talks, and the China-U.S. Military Maritime Consultative Agreement meetings, and to conduct telephone conversations between theater commanders.

“They announced the establishment of a working group on counternarcotics cooperation,” he said.

He introduced that the two heads of state agreed that their teams will follow up on their discussions in San Francisco with continued senior-level diplomacy and interactions, including visits in both directions.

“These important deliverables are further proof of the broad common interests of China and the United States and the mutually beneficial nature of China-U.S. relations. They demonstrate that dialogue and cooperation is the only right choice for the two countries,” he commented.

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