
Snowfall in Beijing causes flight, train delays and personal injury

2023-12-13 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Affected by the first snow this winter, 465 flights were canceled at the Beijing Capital International Airport and 216 at the Beijing Daxing International Airport, according to flight information provider VariFlight.

The Beijing Municipal Meteorological Observatory upgraded its snowstorm warning to orange alert on Tuesday night.

Sudden equipment failure also struck a train station on the Beijing-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway around 9 a.m. Wednesday due to the impact of snowfall, with operations temporarily halted.

In anticipation of the adverse weather, some trains departing from Beijing West Station and Beijing Fengtai Station temporarily ceased services.

Passengers who purchased train tickets can request a full refund within 30 days, as announced by Beijing West Station.

The number of individuals seeking medical attention for snow-related injuries in Beijing has seen a notable increase. 

Beijing Jishuitan Hospital reported that, as of 5 p.m. on Monday, a total of 116 patients with injuries related to the snow have been admitted across its three campuses.

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