
China to launch Chang'e-6 lunar probe Friday afternoon

2024-05-03 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Chang'e-6, China's spacecraft to venture to the moon, is scheduled to be launched between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. (Beijing Time) Friday, with the preferred launch window targeted at 5:27 p.m., said the China National Space Administration.

Like Chang'e 5, its predecessor, the Chang'e 6 spacecraft is a product of the China Academy of Space Technology in Beijing. It consists of an orbiter, a lander, an ascender and a reentry module.

After collecting dust and rocks on the moon, the ascender will transport the samples to the lunar orbit for transfer into the reentry module, which will carry them to Earth.

Previous report said that the Chang'e 6 robotic probe will not only make an unprecedented attempt to collect samples from the lunar far side, it will also carry three European science payloads to the site.


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