
China builds world's largest real-time earthquake monitoring system

2024-05-13 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- China has completed the world's largest real-time earthquake monitoring system, said Ma Qiang, a researcher and chief engineer at the Instituted of Earthquake Forecasting of China Earthquake Administration during a promotion event on Sunday, which marked the China's 16th National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day.

The system is expected to provide earthquake early warning, and quick reports on parameter, intensity and ground motion parameters, aid emergency response efforts, and counter secondary disasters involving high-speed railways, power control centers, oil and gas pipeline stations, and nuclear reactors, etc. 

The system releases information through TV, radio, internet and other new media platforms.

China finished its National Seismic Intensity Rapid Reporting and Early Warning project at the end of 2023, shortening the delivery of earthquake alters to seconds in some high-stakes areas and minutes around the country.


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