
Australian offshore energy storage project undertaken by Chinese company starts construction

2024-05-28 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- The Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) project of Templers energy storage offshore in South Australia, contracted by China Energy Engineering Group's Shanxi Electric Power Construction Company commenced on Friday, according to the company.

With a total construction capacity of 138 megawatts/330 megawatt hours, it is the company's first energy storage project in the Australian market.

China Energy Engineering Group has gradually expanded into Australia's clean energy and storage industry and has signed a series of cooperation agreements with local developers, including ZEN Energy.

Upon completion, the project will fully utilize the abundant local solar resources to stably deliver clean electricity. It holds significant importance for enhancing local grid security, improving the energy structure, reducing carbon emissions, and promoting the sustainable development of a green economy.

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