
People's Bank of China to issue National Treasure-themed commemorative coins

2024-06-03 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

ECNS) -- The People's Bank of China will issue a special commemorative coin set on June 8, titled "National Treasures" in tribute to the rich history and cultural heritage of the People's Republic of China.

This exclusive collection comprises two gold and three silver coins. As legal tender of the nation, the coins will not only serve as a medium of exchange but as a symbol of China's enduring legacy.

The obverse side of each coin features the emblem of the People's Republic of China, the national emblem, along with the inscription of the country's name and year of issue.


The 15-gram round gold commemorative coin features a design on its reverse side that depicts the He Zun, a famous ancient Chinese bronze vessel. It also bears the inscription "National Treasure: He Zun" and its face value.


The 3-gram round gold commemorative coin's reverse side portrays the design of the Sun God Bird gold ornament and is inscribed with "National Treasure: Sun God Bird Gold Ornament" and its face value. 


The 15-gram round silver commemorative coin showcases a combination designs on its reverse side featuring a beast-faced bronze plaque, ding (an ancient Chinese cauldron), zhang (a type of jade tablet), and jue (an ancient wine vessel). It is inscribed with "National Treasure: Beast-faced Bronze Plaque" and its face value.



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