
Gezhouba-Nanqiao DC project surpasses cumulative transmission capacity of 150 billion kWh

2024-06-03 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

Recently, China's first "West-to-East Power Transmission" direct current transmission project—the Gezhouba to Shanghai Nanqiao ±500 kV DC transmission project has surpassed a cumulative transmission capacity of 150 billion kilowatt-hours. 

As an important channel for external electricity supply to Shanghai, the project, operational for 35 years, continuously delivers clean hydropower from Gezhouba to the Shanghai power grid. The transmitted electricity can meet the annual power consumption needs of 60 million households, equivalent to saving about 46 million tons of standard coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 130 million tons. This project plays a crucial role in meeting the growing demand for electricity in the eastern region of China, supporting Shanghai's economic and social development, and promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

Initially, when the Gezhouba-Nanqiao DC project was constructed, China's power industry was relatively underdeveloped, and various equipment used in the Nanqiao converter station relied on imports. Over time, the equipment at the Nanqiao converter station deteriorated significantly and operated unstably.

From September 2022 to June 2023, State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company carried out a comprehensive transformation of core equipment at the Nanqiao converter station to address long-term safety and stability issues through technical improvements and equipment upgrades. The most critical aspect was the replacement of the original imported traditional line-commutated converter(LCC) with the world's first controllable line-commutated converter (CLCC) with completely independent intellectual property rights, which completely solved the chronic problem of phase-shifting failure at the converter station and greatly enhanced the reliability of cross-regional power grid operation.

In April of this year, State Grid Shanghai Extra High Voltage Company conducted a comprehensive initial inspection of the world's first controllable line-commutated converter (CLCC) since they were put into operation. The results showed that the equipment had withstood the test of high temperatures and high loads over the past year, operating well, and will be put into operation in optimal condition for this year's peak summer demand.

From a blueprint to a world-class facility, the Nanqiao converter station has witnessed the rapid development of the Shanghai power grid for more than 30 years. Today, State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company has built 9 external power channels, continuously bringing electricity from afar to countless households and illuminating the entire city.

(Source: State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company)


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