
Former Tsinghua graduate to retake Gaokao at 35 to pursue dream

2024-06-05 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Li Long, who was admitted to Tsinghua University, a prestigious Chinese university, in 2008, has decided to take the national college entrance exam, or Gaokao, again this year to pursue his dream. 

Li scored 695 and was admitted to the Experimental Class of Basic Sciences at Tsinghua University 16 years ago, according to

He said he had a dream of studying medicine, but had to give up due to family reasons.

After graduation, Li worked in the education and training industry.

Now at 35, Li said he wants to live for himself, so he chose to retake the exam to study medicine.

He started preparing for the exam 100 days ago, with a target score of 700.

"I’m just 35, so I can start over," said Li.

Although he will be 44 years old when he graduates, Li chose to pursue his dream. 

"Even if I fail, there is no loss. I would not be happy continuing to earn money for the next 10 years," he said.

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