
So-called 'China-subsidized project' allegation simply untenable: Foreign Ministry spokesperson

2024-06-12 Editor : Wu Xinru ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- The European Commission is expected to notify car makers on Wednesday that it will provisionally apply additional duties of up to 25 percent on imported Chinese electric vehicles from next month, Financial Times reported.

There are many unreasonable and non-compliant practices in their investigation, and the so-called "China-subsidized project" allegation is simply untenable, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian at a press conference on Tuesday as a response.

Lin noted that China has stated its position on the EU's anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese EVs on multiple occasions. The anti-subsidy investigation is essentially trade protectionism.

He further stressed that China urges the EU to end the investigation as soon as possible to avoid undermining China-EU economic and trade cooperation and the stability of industrial and supply chains.

"If the EU doesn't change course, China will not sit idly by and we will take all necessary measures to firmly safeguard our lawful rights and interests," he concluded.


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