
Downpours in south China's Pingyuan county cause 38 deaths, 2 still missing

2024-06-21 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- Torrential rains and extreme weather in Pingyuan County of Meizhou City, south China's Guangdong Province, have triggered natural disasters including landslides, flooding, and mudslides, resulting in 38 deaths and leaving two people missing, according to the local disaster prevention and control headquarters.

Since April 4, the county has recorded 1,221.6 millimeters of rainfall, which is double the average for the same period in previous years. 

According to a preliminary investigation, the disasters have impacted 55,388 people in the county. 

Besides, 2,247 houses collapsed and 3,203 homes were severely damaged. Highway traffic has been interrupted at 82 locations, 111 bridges have been damaged, and 107 communication base stations have been disconnected.

Additionally, 6,759 hectares of crops and 452 hectares of aquaculture have been flooded. The direct economic loss is estimated to be about 5.85 billion yuan (about $8 billion).

The local government and emergency services are engaged in search, rescue, and relief operations.


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