
Japanese embassy mourns brave Chinese woman who dies of saving Japanese nationals from attack

2024-06-28 Editor : Mo Honge ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- The Japanese Embassy in China expressed deep sorrow on Friday upon learning of the untimely passing of Hu Youping, a woman who succumbed to her injuries after preventing a suspect from attacking a Japanese woman and her son on Monday.

The embassy flew the flag at half-mast and commended on Chinese social media platform Weibo that Hu's courage and kindness represented the spirit of the broader Chinese population.

On June 24, around 4 p.m., a knife attack occurred at a bus station in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, resulting in injuries to three people.

The suspect was swiftly apprehended. Hu was severely injured while preventing the suspect from attacking the Japanese mother and son on the spot and unfortunately passed away on Wednesday.

Of the two Japanese individuals, one is being treated in the hospital without life-threatening danger while the other has been discharged.

The Japanese Embassy in China flies the flag at half-mast on Friday to mourn Hu Youping, a woman who succumbed to her injuries after preventing a suspect from attacking a Japanese woman and her son on June 24, 2024. (Photo from Weibo)


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