
Chinese-backed tunnel in Peru competed construction

2024-08-06 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- The Chancay Tunnel in Peru, constructed by China Railway No. 10 Engineering Group, has been completed, achieving this critical milestone 10 days ahead of schedule, according to the group on Monday.

Located in Chancay City, Peru, the project includes one tunnel, one overpass, 10 main connecting roads, repairs to buildings affected by construction along the route, and municipal sidewalks.

The tunnel has a total length of 1,839 meters, with three lanes in each direction, a single lane width of 3.5 meters, and a designed speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

Part of the Belt and Road Initiative cooperation between China and Peru.,the project has provided over 1,500 jobs for local residents, benefiting nearly 7,500 people indirectly.

Upon completion, the tunnel will enable the Chancay Port to achieve an annual bulk cargo throughput capacity of 6.2 million tons and an annual container throughput capacity of 1.5 million TEUs. This project holds significant importance in making Peru's Pacific coast the most influential logistics hub and promoting regional economic and social development.


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