
Five provinces, regions in China launch joint action to protect migratory birds

2024-10-11 Editor : Zhao Li ECNS App Download

(ECNS) – Five provinces and regions across China launched a joint conservation initiative on Friday, aimed to protect migratory birds and the routes by which they navigate.

Of the world’s nine major migratory bird routes, four pass through China. The provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Hubei, and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, all participants in this initiative, are situated along the East Asia–Australasia flyway.

This flyway is the busiest migratory route on Earth, connecting approximately 210 species and over 50 million migratory birds across 22 countries. It is widely known as the "Millennium Birdway," a crucial corridor for bird migration.

Forestry bureaus of the five provinces and regions signed a memorandum of understanding for the joint conservation of migratory bird routes. The initiative seeks to establish a cross-regional protection mechanism, with a focus on cooperation in areas such as migratory bird information sharing, joint law enforcement, monitoring and protection, as well as public education.

In recent years, these provinces and regions have implemented targeted measures to safeguard migratory birds.

Hubei Province, for the first time, identified six major migratory bird routes and designated 58 key protection areas. Guangdong established a bird monitoring station, filling a gap in the southern region for such facilities. Hunan has utilized advanced technologies, such as satellite remote sensing and drone patrols, to monitor migratory routes and wintering grounds in real time. Guangxi continues to refine the scientific understanding of bird migration patterns.

Moreover, Yanling and Guidong counties in Hunan have signed a joint agreement with Suichuan County in Jiangxi Province to protect migratory birds, forming the Birdway Bird Protection Alliance.

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