
U.S. Shaolin kung fu practitioners visit Fujian temple

2024-07-02 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A group of Shaolin kung fu practitioners from the United States exchange martial arts skills with the kung fu monks at the South Shaolin Temple in Putian, Fujian province. (Photo by Zhu Chongfei/For

A group of more than 50 Shaolin kung fu practitioners from the United States visited the South Shaolin Temple in Putian, Fujian province on Thursday, and engaged in an extensive exchange of martial arts and culture.

The group, led by David Soard, director of the Chinese Shaolin Center in the United States, exchanged martial arts skills with the temple's kung fu monks, through demonstrations of traditional Chinese boxing techniques, weapons techniques and hard qigong, a traditional breathing exercise that strengthens the body's resilience and ability to withstand external impact forces.

A group of Shaolin kung fu practitioners from the United States exchange martial arts skills with the kung fu monks at the South Shaolin Temple in Putian, Fujian province. (Photo by Zhu Chongfei/For

Both of them signed a strategic cooperation agreement to strengthen their cooperative relationship and jointly promote the inheritance and development of South Shaolin martial arts.

Soard, who first visited the South Shaolin Temple in Putian in 2000, said they will strengthen the promotion of Shaolin kung fu and its culture in the United States, playing a greater role in the cultural and friendly exchanges between China and the U.S.

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