
Taoist temple exercise helps city workers relieve stress(4)

2024-10-10 08:19:40China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Steady progress

Zi You, who is a successor of Wudang Sanfeng martial arts and a baduanjin teacher, believes the younger generation has taken time and effort to come to the Baiyun Temple to learn, proving a strong willingness to practice the traditional exercise.

"Especially after the pandemic, there has been an obvious trend that more young people want to learn baduanjin, compared with seniors who previously made up the majority," he said. "The younger generation know their bodies need care, and want to get healthier."

Whenever students start a new workout routine, Zi suggests they begin slowly or with smaller movements, to ensure steady progress.

"For those who have been sedentary for long periods every day, year after year, it might be harmful to suddenly start intense activities like running or jumping," he said.

In such instances, practicing baduanjin can be a much healthier alternative.

"I often tell my students that you don't need to worry too much about the quantity of the practice in the beginning. Whenever you have a moment, like during your lunch break on workdays, and feel tension in your shoulders or neck, do a few repetitions," said Zi. "That can be a great starting point, and you will naturally want to keep going once you notice positive changes in your body and overall health."

Zi learned baduanjin as part of his martial arts training, which served as a relaxation technique during breaks from intense training.

"I'm still in the industry and I believe that if I can help one more person, if the students can understand and practice what I've taught them, and if it's beneficial to their health, I will be extremely happy," he said.


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