
Ancient wisdom of Confucius resonates loudly with young people(2)

2024-10-28 08:22:11China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Maria Uriarte Huang from the US visits the Confucius Museum. (Photo provided to CHINA DAILY)

Understanding deepened

Maria Uriarte Huang, a 22-year-old student from the United States who attends Sun Yat-sen University in Guangdong province, has been learning the teachings of Confucius since she was a child. She traveled to Qufu in September for the China International Confucius Cultural Festival, which enhanced her understanding of the sage's philosophy.

"This event epitomized an exquisite fusion between education and entertainment, not only broadening my understanding regarding Chinese heritage, but also igniting within me newfound curiosity," she said.

Uriarte Huang has long been impressed by Confucian thought such as education without discrimination, and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. "And his caring thought of the benevolent loving others deeply resonates with me," she said.

Under the influence of Confucian thought, Uriarte Huang embarked on an internship at the Guangdong Provincial Museum in 2023, where she guided students on educational tours.

"I often saw the children standing in front of the glass windows, gazing intently at the cultural relics from around the world. These relics form a shared history that binds us all as inhabitants of this planet," she said.

Observing the curiosity in the eyes of the children, Uriarte Huang conceived an idea — to take the knowledge safeguarded in the museum to rural children.

In December 2023, she volunteered to teach in the mountain village of Xiaojia in Leizhou town, Guangdong, where she drew from her museum internship experience to create an educational program with lessons on intangible cultural heritage, biology, geography and history.

"Students in the remote mountainous areas need diverse knowledge. There should be no distinction of classes as Confucius says," said Uriarte Huang.


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