
Ancient wisdom of Confucius resonates loudly with young people(3)

2024-10-28 08:22:11China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Young people from overseas practice calligraphy during the Confucius Cultural Festival. (Photo provided to CHINA DAILY)

Through the field studies in Qufu, she was able to expand her understanding of Confucian culture.

"At the festival venue, the hall's courtyard, eaves, and gate, with the characteristics of their time, evoked a sense of wonder as I realized what I had learned about ancient Chinese history had come to life," she said.

Looking at a huge sculpture of Confucius, Uriarte Huang reflected on her studies of the Analects of Confucius.

"I recalled his assertion that education should transcend origins, regardless of race or ethnicity, everyone deserves access to learning opportunities," she said.

This educational philosophy has surmounted challenges and restrictions over millennia, akin to flowing water quietly permeating all facets of life while nurturing future generations.

"It embodies profound life wisdom that inspires individuals to steadfastly pursue their goals and ideals. I really want to dismantle economic, regional, cultural and especially linguistic barriers in education," Uriarte Huang said.

For Salma Elhouari from Morocco, who is studying at Beijing Language and Culture University, Confucius no longer belongs to China, but also the world.

Her uncle, an Arab author, often told her that civilized people around the world, regardless of their education level, all know Confucius. This sparked her love for Confucian thought and Chinese culture.

She has pursued her passion and made Confucius the main theme of her doctoral research.

"I hope to promote the exchange of literature and culture among countries through cross-linguistic and cross-cultural comparisons," she said during a field study in Qufu in September.


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