
Ancient wisdom of Confucius resonates loudly with young people

2024-10-28 08:22:11China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Traditional cultural values guide new generation, spread globally

International guests participate in the memorial ceremony for Confucius in Qufu, Shandong province, on Sept 28. (YANG GUOQING/FOR CHINA DAILY)

A ceremony honoring teachers held in Qufu, Shandong province, in late September saw the mass participation of 2,575 students from primary, middle and high schools, including international students.

Their collective recitation of classic quotes from the Analects of Confucius echoed in the air, demonstrating the deep connection between ancient wisdom and the present, and highlighting the enduring impact of Confucian thought.

"Respecting teachers and valuing education are esteemed traditions of the Chinese nation. Attending the ceremony has strengthened my sense of duty and mission as an educator," said Tan Juan, a teacher at the affiliated kindergarten of Zoucheng No 10 Middle School.

"I will continue promoting traditional cultural values and guiding students to grow up with an innovative mindset," she said.

Since roughly the 5th century BC, the school of thought Confucius founded and the philosophy of Confucianism that developed from it have inspired and guided individuals across multiple generations.

Yet, while most young people learn about Confucius in school, they're not sure about his current influence in fast-moving modern China. While almost every one of them can quote a handful of sayings from the Analects of Confucius, do they really see value in applying Confucian thought to nurturing their views on life and the world?

Shandong, the birthplace of Confucius, has been hosting a series of events to provide opportunities for people from China and overseas, to gain a deeper understanding of Confucian thought and some answers to this question.


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