
Popular TV drama transforms into a bold yet challenging stage production(2)

2024-12-20 08:26:04China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

The new Chinese opera A Dream of Splendor,created jointly by the Shanghai Opera House and Tencent Video, will have its global premiere at the Shanghai Grand Theatre in March. (Photo provided to China Daily)

Composer Lyu Liang, a music creator for the original TV drama, says the music composition of this new opera is both challenging and distinct from previous works.

He tries to blend traditional Chinese musical elements, particularly from the Song Dynasty, and explore the harmonious integration of Chinese and Western musical instruments in tone and temperament.

"The result of this composition will offer the audience a classical piece infused with our traditional Chinese culture and music," Lyu expresses. "My goal is to enhance the overall appeal and sing-ability of this opera."

Despite challenges, the upcoming original opera is progressing.

The creative team plans to consistently work in the Shanghai Opera House by New Year's Day 2025 and will conduct two rounds of opera workshops with the cast, giving performers a thorough understanding of the script and their roles before commencing music and theatrical rehearsals.

Zhao's broader vision: "To attract audiences who have never experienced opera before, encouraging them to pay attention to our opera, appreciate it, fall in love with it, and be willing to step into our theater to experience an opera."


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