
China starts wind power, photovoltaic projects in deserts

2021-10-31 15:04:14Xinhua Editor : Cheng Zizhuo ECNS App Download

China has begun a series of large wind power and photovoltaic projects in its desert areas since mid-October, the country's top economic planner said Saturday.

According to the National Development and Reform Commission, these projects are situated in North China's Inner Mongolia and Northwest China's Gansu, Qinghai and Ningxia, with an installed capacity of nearly 30 million kilowatts.

The commission said that promoting wind and photovoltaic power will help restore the ecosystems in desert areas, boost local economy, and contribute to the country's carbon-cutting endeavors.

These projects are among the country's list for developing wind and photovoltaic power in desert areas. The total installed capacity is estimated to reach 100 million kilowatts if all projects on the list are completed.

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