
China increases input in work-relief programs during 14th Five-Year Plan period

2022-03-05 01:20:40Xinhua Editor : Wang Fan ECNS App Download

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), China has increased its input in support programs that provide work for people in need as a form of relief, the country's top economic planner has said.

To date, 90 billion yuan (about 14.22 billion U.S. dollars) has been invested in relevant programs that have created 1.5 million jobs for rural residents, according to the National Development and Reform Commission.

The programs are mainly related to production and living in rural areas, transportation, water conservancy, culture and tourism, and infrastructure related to forestry and grasslands.

Rural residents who have been lifted out of poverty and low-income earners will be encouraged to participate in these work-relief programs to help them find jobs and to boost incomes in areas close to their homes.


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