
MOC criticizes U.S.' move against Chinese companies

2023-10-07 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China has expressed its strong opposition to the recent decision by the United States government to add certain Chinese companies onto its so-called entity list for export control under the pretext of alleged connections with Russia, according to a statement released by China's Ministry of Commerce.

This move comes as the United States Department of Commerce took action by adding 42 Chinese companies to its so-called entity list for export control on Friday, which China views as an abuse of export control measures and a reckless act of economic coercion.

The U.S. has once again generalized national security concerns and arbitrarily imposed restrictions on Chinese businesses, undermining the principles of fair trade and cooperation. This action is a clear example of economic coercion and unilateral bullying, which China vehemently opposes, said the ministry's spokesperson.

China urges the U.S. to immediately correct its mistaken actions and cease its unwarranted pressure on Chinese companies. China is determined to take all necessary measures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of its businesses, said the commerce official.


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