
China, U.S. agree to open communication during U.S. political transition

2025-01-07 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China and the United States have agreed to maintain communication and manage their differences during the political transition period in the U.S., in order to continue stabilizing China-U.S. economic relations, they stated during a video talk between Chinese Vice-Premier He Lifeng and the U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Tuesday.

According to Xinhua News Agency, during the talk China expressed concerns over trade restrictive measures tipped by the United States against China, particularly the recent trade investigations initiated by Washington.

He and Yellen, two lead persons in China-U.S. economic and trade affairs, reviewed the history of China-U.S. economic and financial exchanges and cooperation in recent years, and spoke highly of the important role that dialogue mechanisms have, such as the China-U.S. economic and financial working group.

The video call was a candid, in-depth and constructive one, and both sides agreed on the importance of maintaining open lines of communication.


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