
Rural doctor strives to boost health in villages(2)

2024-06-27 07:44:33China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Zhang treats a senior resident of the village. (Photo provided to China Daily)

In July 2019, Zhang earned an opportunity to enroll in a TCM training program in the Dali prefecture because of her experience offering TCM treatment in rural areas.

"I was the only rural doctor in the class, and my classmates were either college students or senior doctors at larger hospitals," she said. "I could not even speak Mandarin fluently."

Zhang said that she overcame her shyness and intimidation by partnering with a young student around her son's age.

"He helped me summarize one day's worth of teaching into bullet points so that I could memorize things more easily and communicate with fellow classmates the next day," she said. "Gradually, I became accustomed to talking with others in a relaxed way and refined my skills."

The program not only introduced more advanced TCM treatment tools to Zhang, but also led her to reaffirm her conviction to increase their use in her hometown.

In late April, Zhang was awarded the May 1 Labor Medal by the All-China Federation of Trade Union. A total of 1,088 such medals were granted to worker models and organizations nationwide.

At 50 years old, Zhang said that she has set a new goal for her work — to prioritize disease prevention and health promotion.

"I hope that villagers will not only visit me when they feel sick, but also learn how to boost their immunity and build a healthy lifestyle," she said.


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