
Vloggers offer reality check on biased coverage of China(5)

2024-08-14 08:24:56China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Eager to return

The Dridges are preparing to return to China to immerse themselves more in the country.

"We just want to spend as much time as possible discovering China. Obviously, China is going to be a massive part of our channel over the next three years," they said.

The Sun Kissed Bucket List's Taz and Libby, who have visited China three times since last year and traveled to 10 cities, are also planning a fourth trip.

"The biggest lesson that travel has taught us is to make your own opinions and make your own views," the couple said in a video summing up their discoveries in China.

"Don't believe everything that you hear or read in the media because that could be someone's point of view. That view could be biased, and that view could be skewed.

"We are not saying anywhere is perfect. Everywhere has its imperfections and shortcomings, and we are not blind to that. What we are trying to say is that you should form your own understanding and have your own perceptions of things. Don't be so easily led," they added.

Bessenger is trying to focus less on her full-time work and more on travel.

"If I can just change people's minds a little bit, that could be a good thing," she said. "So, it is important for me to go outside more, and show them the true experiences I have when the camera is on."

When asked for one piece of advice she would give to someone paying close attention to the country she said, "Just come to China and see for yourself first."

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