
TCM treatment catches interest of new generation(2)

2024-10-25 08:26:26China Daily Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A medical worker gives health suggestions to a young patient at a popular science event for thermal acupuncture in Nanchang, Jiangxi province, on Aug 8. (Provided to China Daily)

Spike in popularity

In recent times, there has been a growing interest in TCM among young people in China, and sights such as them flocking to massage departments in leading hospitals in Beijing and Shanghai have been making headlines.

Some of these young people have been sharing online posts declaring "even during lunch breaks, I make sure to get a massage", and "I never thought that at such a young age, I would fall in love with massage."

In addition to massage, techniques like acupuncture are also becoming increasingly popular among the younger generation.

According to data released by CCTV Finance, in 2023 health-related consumption ranked third on the list of consumer preferences among young adults aged 18 to 35.

A report on Gen Z's spending on nutrition in 2022 indicated that young people are actively engaging in health-conscious consumer behavior.

Urban residents are spending on average more than 1,000 yuan ($140) every year on health and wellness, with the 18 to 35 age group accounting for 83.7 percent of the total.

Yuan Shuwu, from Fushan county, Linfen, Shanxi province, experienced the effectiveness of TCM treatments this summer.

A few months ago, she sprained her hand while moving some heavy objects at home. The next morning, the back of her right hand was swollen, and she was unable to move the area below her right elbow.

She decided to try traditional treatment and went to the county's TCM hospital.

"After explaining my situation to the doctor, she asked me to sit down. She didn't say anything about my hand but just continuously massaged the right side of my neck," Yuan said.

"She then told me that high pressure on my neck for a long period had caused fatigue in the tendons of my right arm, and the slight stimulation from moving things had disrupted them," she said.

The doctor treated her condition with acupuncture.

"She inserted a needle in the right side of my neck, and it felt like a scene from a martial arts film where energy was being channeled. A surge of electricity flowed from my neck to my elbow, finally reaching my fingertips," Yuan said.

"While inserting the needle, the doctor inquired about my condition, and after the treatment, my right hand was immediately able to move."

She said the doctor then used moxibustion therapy on her right hand for half an hour, and it recovered by about 90 percent. "Following two to three days of rest at home, I fully recovered," she added.

It was Yuan's first experience of acupuncture.

"This completely changed my understanding of TCM. I feel that TCM has a profound understanding of the human body's functioning. I intend to further explore TCM by reading books or consulting occasionally with TCM practitioners to learn more about how to improve my overall health," she said.

Zhou Yunxian, the chief physician at the Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, has observed the growing trend of younger people seeking TCM treatment in recent years compared with the past.

"TCM is highly effective in treating diseases, especially in relieving symptoms such as pain. Nowadays, young people are under a lot of pressure, and unhealthy habits like staying up late and prolonged sitting at work often make them feel physically uncomfortable.

"Neck and lower back pain have become common occupational ailments among many office workers. Acupuncture and massage can effectively alleviate these symptoms," said the 86-year-old.

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