
China, Russia confirm desires to enhance military relationship

2023-07-03 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

State Councilor and Defense Minister Li Shangfu met with Russian Navy's Commander-in-Chief Nikolai Yevmenov on Monday in Beijing.

According to a statement by the Minister of National Defense, Li said that, under the strategic guidance of the heads of states of both countries, China-Russia military exchanges and cooperation have steadily developed, and the two navies have close interactions and frequent exchanges.

Li expressed the hope that both sides can enhance communication at all levels; organize joint exercises, patrols and contests on a regular basis; and expand practical cooperation in professional fields to actively contribute to regional and even global peace and stability.

Yevmenov stated that Russia attaches great importance to enhancing practical cooperation between the two militaries in various fields.

He said Russia is willing to maintain close coordination with China, firmly implement the important consensus reached by the two leaders, continuously expand naval exchanges at all levels, jointly organize important exercises such as joint maritime exercises and patrols, and constantly push the bilateral military relations to a higher level.


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