
China spots U.S. military aircraft deploying submarine detector in South China Sea

2024-06-27 08:46:38Global Times Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download
(Photo/Screenshot of video from the Weibo account of Yuyuantantian)

(Photo/Screenshot of video from the Weibo account of Yuyuantantian)

China has reported the deployment of a U.S. military aircraft's submarine detector in the South China Sea, as revealed in a video published Wednesday by Yuyuantantian, a social media account under China Media Group.

The China Coast Guard (CCG) observed a U.S. military aircraft circling above South China Sea waters and repeatedly dropping unidentified items during a recent patrol. CCG subsequently retrieved and inspected these unidentified electronic items.

According to Yuyuantantian, the underwater detection device is marked with "Ultra Electronics." A maritime expert noted that this company specializes in submarine detection services, providing comprehensive services to the U.S. Navy. The detector is capable of detecting signals from Chinese submarines and engaging in signal countermeasures underwater.

The U.S. military dropped the device near Ren'ai Jiao (also known as Ren'ai Reef), an area noted for its scenic beauty and dolphin population. The sonar emitted by the device can disrupt the echolocation systems of dolphins and other marine life, potentially causing disorientation or stranding.

"Aiming to gather more hydrological data, the U.S. intends to develop digital ocean maps for military purposes and analyze information related to Chinese submarines, posing a serious threat to China's national and military security," a Chinese military expert and TV commentator told the Global Times on Wednesday.

"These underwater detectors pose significant harm. No matter how many are deployed, we will identify and seize them all, and implement necessary countermeasures," the expert added.

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