
Philippine vessels illegally intrude into Xianbin Jiao adjacent waters: China Coast Guard

2024-08-19 ECNS App Download

(ECNS)-- Philippine coast guard vessels 4410 and 4411 illegally intruded into waters adjacent to Xianbin Jiao of Nansha Qundao on Monday, and the China Coast Guard (CCG) took control measures against the Philippine vessels in accordance with the law, Gan Yu, said a CCG spokesperson.

Gan warned Manila to immediately stop infringement and provocation, otherwise the Philippines will bear all consequences.

According to CCG, despite repeated stern warnings from China, Philippine vessel 4410 engaged in dangerous behavior by deliberately ramming Chinese vessel 21551 that was conducting routine law enforcement activities at 3:24 a.m.

China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Qundao, including Xianbin Jiao, and their adjacent waters, Gan said, adding that CCG will, as always, conduct rights protection and law enforcement activities in the waters under Chinese jurisdiction, to firmly safeguard national sovereignty and maritime interests.

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