
Two wild giant pandas spotted in Gansu

2024-06-19 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

Technicians at the Gansu National Park Monitoring Center recently got monitoring data of a wild giant panda and a panda cub at the Baima River Conservation Station in the Gansu area of the Giant Panda National Park via a 700MHz real-time transmission natural resource monitoring terminal.

The video clips shows the panda had just finished foraging and was leisurely strolling through the forest.

In recent years, the Gansu Provincial Administration of the Qilian Mountain National Park has been vigorously promoting the construction of the Gansu section of the Giant Panda National Park.

They have actively built a sky-ground integration monitoring system and installed 600 700MHz real-time transmission natural resource monitoring terminals in the park.

Leveraging the broadcasting and television 700MHz transmission network, they trigger cameras to capture wildlife activities and transmit the recorded data back to the monitoring platform in real-time, marking the end of the traditional practice in the province of manually retrieving memory cards from infrared cameras, greatly enhancing the efficiency of wildlife monitoring.

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