
Building on 70 years of achievements and pursuing progress in the new era: Wang Yi's year-end interview with CGTN(2)

2019-12-25 09:04:12CGTN Editor : Gu Liping ECNS App Download

Q5. How will China bring about new progress in Belt and Road cooperation?

Wang: The second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was the most important diplomatic event hosted by China in 2019. Chaired by President Xi Jinping, it was a tremendous success. It was attended by 40 national leaders and heads of international organizations and more than 6,000 representatives of 150 countries and 92 international organizations. With 283 outcomes, the second Forum marked the start of a new journey in Belt and Road cooperation — one of high-quality development.

Thanks to the continuous efforts of all parties, we have refined the blueprint for Belt and Road cooperation, put forward more effective guidelines and identified clearer paths for implementation. This new vision is best captured by our commitment to the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefit; to open, green and clean cooperation; and to a high-standard, people-centered and sustainable approach. Next year, we will host the second United Nations Global Sustainable Transport Conference. It is an excellent opportunity for forging a global partnership for connectivity, for making new breakthroughs in the major connectivity initiatives of China-Europe Railway Express and the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, and for supporting the multilateral mechanisms and forums under the Belt and Road Initiative in playing their full roles. I am confident that with our collective efforts, we will draw more exciting and beautiful sketches in pursuing high-quality Belt and Road cooperation.

Q6. Unilateralism is dealing a serious blow to the international order. From your perspective, how should the international community tackle this challenge?

Wang: Confronted with unilateralism, the international community has no choice but to join hands and firmly resist this perverse trend. If we give a free pass to unilateralism and the supremacy of unchecked national interests, the international order and system on which we live and thrive may collapse. That would be an unacceptable outcome for all of us, particularly small- and medium-sized countries.

As a responsible member of the international community, China has been a strong champion of multilateralism. Wherever he traveled in 2019, President Xi Jinping made China's voice heard. It is a voice of justice  that rejects unilateralism, hegemonism and power politics in favor of multilateralism, the authority of the UN and the norms of international relations. President Xi has pointed out that our commitment to multilateralism requires us to safeguard peace and development for all, to uphold international fairness and equity and promote win-win results, and to reform the international governance system and build a community with a shared future for mankind. The goal, principle and direction he has set capture the essence of multilateralism of our times. They are being recognized and endorsed by more and more countries.

As we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the UN next year, China is ready to work with the rest of the world to uphold the shining torch of multilateralism, and drive away the darkness of unilateralism, and clear up the sky for world peace, stability and development for all.

Q7. What's your comment on the interference of some Western countries in China's internal affairs? How has diplomacy played a role?

Wang: The great renewal of the Chinese nation is a natural trend in human history. That said, there are unprecedented difficulties and challenges that come with it. The closer we get to this goal, the more likely that we will encounter disturbances or even disruptions. Strategically, we have the full resolve, confidence and patience. Moreover, we are gaining more resources, capability, confidence and conviction to overcome whatever hardships that come our way. To quote a Chinese poem that describes the bamboo growing in rocks, "It is strong and firm though struck and beaten without rest; careless of the wind from north or south, east or west." Any attempt to interfere in China's internal affairs or hold back China's development will be crushed by the wheels of history.

On Hong Kong, we firmly support the SAR government in ending the violence and chaos, restoring order, and exercising law-based governance. Time will prove that "One Country, Two Systems" not only works and works well in Hong Kong, but also has the support of the people there.

On Taiwan, this year saw China establishing diplomatic relations with the Solomon Islands and resuming diplomatic ties with Kiribati. As the number of countries having diplomatic ties with China has increased to 180, the one-China consensus is more widely established in the international community than ever before.   

On Xinjiang, we have effectively ensured the safety and well-being of the over 24 million fellow countrymen of different ethic groups there, giving no chance to terrorism and radical ideologies. Our de-radicalization efforts have responded well to the call of the UN and are becoming an important part of the global fight against terrorism.

To quote another poem that depicts the resolve of our forefathers to defend the ancient Great Wall, "Were the winged general of Dragon city here; the Tartar steeds would not dare to cross the frontier." It falls on China's diplomatic service and everyone working on the diplomatic front to safeguard the sovereignty and security of the country, which brooks no violation whatsoever, and advance China's legitimate development rights and interests. It is such an important responsibility that allows not even the slightest error. Under the unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, we will continue to build up an invincible Great Wall of defense for our national interests.

Q8. What is your take on the current China-DPRK relations? How do you evaluate the current situation on the Korean Peninsula?

Wang: This year is a milestone in China-DPRK relations. We celebrated the 70th anniversary of China-DPRK diplomatic ties. General Secretary Xi Jinping paid a historic and successful visit to the DPRK. We have further enriched our traditional friendship in keeping with the times, and opened a new chapter in the relations between the two Parties and two countries. And the Peninsula issue has returned to the course of political settlement.

There has been a new round of tensions recently on the Peninsula. It is mainly because the Singapore Summit Joint Statement reached by the DPRK and the U.S. has not been effectively implemented, and the legitimate concerns of the DPRK have not been taken seriously or addressed. The window of opportunity for peace is once again shifting, and the chances for dialogue quickly fading. It is under such circumstances that China and Russia assumed responsibilities and tabled a draft resolution at the UN Security Council, which is aimed to maintain the momentum of political resolution for the nuclear issue and prevent the situation from deteriorating or even spiraling out of control. In this context, China calls on the U.S. to take concrete steps as soon as possible to deliver what has been agreed in Singapore. We encourage the DPRK and the U.S. to work out a feasible roadmap for establishing a permanent peace regime and realizing complete denuclearization on the Peninsula. China will continue to play a constructive role to that end.

Q9. What progress has China made this year in its relations with other developing countries?

Wang: Developing countries are our true partners in development and "natural allies" in international affairs. In 2019, China deepened South-South cooperation with fellow developing countries, opening up a new horizon for cooperation toward shared progress and prosperity.

The Coordinators' Meeting on the Implementation of the Follow-up Actions of the FOCAC Beijing Summit was successfully held in Beijing. The follow-up actions, which are in full swing, have been held to high standards and produced early and encouraging results to the benefit of Chinese and African peoples. China-Africa cooperation has remained a pacesetter for international cooperation with Africa, and inspired more cooperation between other major countries and Africa, thus creating an enabling international environment for our African brothers and sisters.

China's relations with Latin American and Caribbean countries and with Arab countries have continued to make steady and solid progress, with deepening and better-structured cooperation carried out in various fields. The presidents of China and Brazil have exchanged visits this year. The China-CELAC Joint Plan of Action for Cooperation on Priority Areas (2019-2021) is being implemented. Exchange and cooperation programs under the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum are making solid progress.

As the largest developing country, China stands firm with the developing world. We will follow the principle advocated by President Xi Jinping – the principle of pursuing the greater good and shared interests, and strengthen solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries. We will continue to support the legitimate aspirations of developing countries and advance the shared interests of the developing world.


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