
Chinese FM spokesperson responds to Intel's apology concerning Xinjiang

2021-12-24 09:05:49Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

In response to Intel apologizing for asking suppliers not to source goods or labor from the Xinjiang region, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson on Thursday said it is the company's loss if they choose not to use Xinjiang products.

"We hope the relevant company can respect the facts and distinguish right from wrong," spokesperson Zhao Lijian said at a press briefing.

Zhao said it has been stressed many times that the allegations of forced labor in Xinjiang are lies cooked up by anti-China forces in the United States with the purpose of tarnishing China's image, undermining stability in Xinjiang, and holding back China's development.

"The people of Xinjiang are hardworking and brave, and Xinjiang's products are of good quality. If a certain company chooses not to use Xinjiang products, it is their loss," Zhao said.


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