
Next round of Russia-Ukraine peace talks to be held on Belarusian-Polish border -- head of Russian delegation

2022-03-01 05:35:00Xinhua Editor : Wang Fan ECNS App Download

The next round of Russia-Ukraine peace talks will take place on the Belarusian-Polish border in the coming days, according to Vladimir Medinsky, head of the Russian delegation at the talks held in Belarus, Russia's RIA Novosti news agency reported Monday.

"Most importantly, we agreed to continue the negotiation process, the next meeting will be held in the coming days on the Polish-Belarusian border," Medinsky said after the consultations.

Medinsky also pointed out that each one of the delegations would now head back to their capitals to further discuss all negotiation positions and would meet for the next round of negotiations.

"We have found some issues on which we can predict there would be common positions," said the official.

During the talks, all negotiation positions were discussed in detail, he added.


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