
Chinese envoy stresses importance of indivisible security

2022-03-15 10:53:26Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

A Chinese envoy on Monday stressed the importance of the principle of indivisible security and called for abandoning a Cold War mentality in the context of the Ukraine crisis.

Noting that the international situation is undergoing profound changes and is full of instability and uncertainty, Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, said that the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis has further raised the question of how to maintain the stability of the international system and focus more on the real pathway toward universal security and common development.

The vital principle of indivisible security was included in the 1975 Helsinki Final Act, which formed the basis of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), he said at a Security Council briefing by the OSCE chairperson-in-office.

"This principle carries special significance under the current circumstances. Therefore, it should not only be upheld, but more importantly, be implemented," said Zhang. "The final settlement of the crisis in Ukraine requires taking seriously and respecting the legitimate security concerns of all states, and forming a balanced, effective and sustainable European security mechanism."

The Cold War mentality based on bloc confrontation should be rejected entirely. Sticking to a hegemonic mentality and provoking bloc confrontation will only exacerbate turmoil and division, he said, adding that is the case in Europe and other regions.

This world does not need another Cold War. Under the banner of multilateralism, all countries must strengthen unity and cooperation and work together for a community with a shared future for mankind, he said.

"We must adhere to the overall direction of dialogue and cooperation. Even in the most intensive moments of the Cold War, dialogue and cooperation were possible and necessary. The more frictions, differences and potential risks there are, the more important and necessary it is to enhance understanding and mutual trust," said Zhang.

He noted that the world has now entered a new era, adding that the path of dialogue and cooperation should become wider rather than narrower.

Zhang said that differences among states in national interests, social system, and ideology should not become an obstacle to dialogue, let alone a reason for confrontation. 


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