
China pays UN peacekeeping dues in full

2022-06-24 13:44:26Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China on Thursday paid in full its assessments for the 12 UN peacekeeping operations for fiscal year 2021/2022, said the Chinese Permanent Mission to the United Nations.

Noting that peacekeepers have been facing increasing threats recently, the mission said China, as the largest troop-contributing country among the permanent members of the Security Council, calls for effective measures and adequate resources to achieve further progress in the peacekeeper security agenda.

Member states are conducting intensive consultations on the 2022/2023 UN peacekeeping budget, the mission said.

As a permanent member of the Security Council and the second-largest contributor to both the UN regular budget and peacekeeping assessments, China has always actively fulfilled its financial obligations, showing China's steadfast support for the work of the United Nations and its peacekeeping operations, said the mission.

As the world is still facing challenges, including increasing international tensions, the pandemic and post-pandemic recovery, China, as a developing country, has its own tasks to undertake, yet overcame difficulties and fully paid the assessments, which demonstrates China's firm support for the work of the United Nations and multilateralism, it said.

China calls on all member states, especially major countries with large-scale assessments, to pay their dues as well as arrears in full and on time, in order to support the United Nations in playing a central role in global governance and to practice true multilateralism, it said. 


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