
Xi's inspection tours reflect efforts to steer China's economy toward sustainable future(2)

2022-08-05 09:02:40Xinhua Editor : Mo Hong'e ECNS App Download


By effectively keeping the epidemic under control, China has not only guaranteed people's lives and health but also fostered economic growth while restoring normalcy in work and life.

Enabling people to live better lives has always been one of Xi's top priorities among all development aims. During his visit to Shanxi in January prior to the Spring Festival, Xi inspected the quality of the villagers' houses.

Xi inspected the kitchen, bedroom and sheepfold, and inquired about the family's income and life when visiting the home of a local.

"The CPC's resolve to ensure all Chinese people live happy lives has remained unchanged for more than a century, and it will not falter," Xi said.

His inspection tours across the country also reflect China's continuous efforts to advance reform and opening up, and to pursue sci-tech innovation.

During his visit to Hainan in April, Xi called for eliminating institutional barriers in all aspects and opening up wider at a higher level.

When inspecting the southwestern province of Sichuan in June, Xi visited XGIMI optoelectronic company to learn about its independent innovation, job generation and local efforts to support the private sector.

Noting the importance of implementing an innovation-driven development strategy, Xi underscored "keeping the lifeblood of science and technology in our own hands" during his visit to Wuhan.

"China must make greater progress in self-reliance in science and technology, work to make its development more independent, autonomous and secure, and nurture more new technologies and industries," Xi said during the Wuhan visit.

Work should be done to open up new fields and new paths for economic development and cultivate new strengths to provide the country an edge in international competition, he added.

Recent data demonstrated the effects of China's endeavors to coordinate epidemic response with socioeconomic development. The Chinese economy expanded by 2.5 percent year on year in the first half of 2022.

In June alone, major economic indicators rebounded, indicating that the strong resilience, huge potential and sound long-term fundamentals of the Chinese economy have remained unchanged.


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