
Iran says 40 foreigners arrested for involvement in unrest

2022-11-23 04:29:20Xinhua Editor : Wang Fan ECNS App Download

Iran said on Tuesday that 40 foreign nationals had been arrested for involvement in the recent unrest in the country over the death of an Iranian woman after her release from police custody, semi-official Tasnim News Agency reported.

Some of the arrested foreigners were among the "rioters" in the streets, Masoud Setaieshi, the judiciary's spokesman, told a weekly press conference in the capital Tehran.

They are being investigated and will be punished in accordance with Iran's judicial law, Setaieshi noted.

Protests have rocked Iran since 22-year-old Mahsa Amini died in a Tehran hospital a few days after she collapsed at a police station in September. The Iranian government blames the United States and some other countries for "inciting riots and supporting terrorists" in the country.


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