
China-U.S. ties should be determined by common interests, responsibilities, friendship: FM

2023-03-07 11:12:01Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download
Special: Two Sessions 2023

The China-U.S. relationship should be determined by common interests and shared responsibilities of the two countries, and by friendship between the two peoples, rather than by U.S. domestic politics or hysterical neo-McCarthyism, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang said Tuesday.

Speaking at a press conference on the sidelines of the first session of the 14th National People's Congress, Qin said more people with vision and insight in the United States have been calling for a rational and pragmatic policy toward China.

Qin said China will continue to follow the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation to pursue a sound and stable relationship with the United States.

"We hope the U.S. government will listen to the calls of the two peoples, rid of its strategic anxiety of 'threat inflation,' abandon the zero-sum Cold War mentality, and refuse to be hijacked by 'political correctness,'" he said.

"We hope the U.S. will honor its commitments and work with China to explore the right way to get along with each other to the benefit of both countries and the entire world," said the minister.


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