
China, U.S. have candid, constructive dialogue on global climate governance

2023-07-21 09:01:05 Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China and the U.S. have had candid, in-depth and constructive dialogue on promoting global climate governance, communication and cooperation during the talks between China's special envoy for climate change Xie Zhenhua and visiting U.S. climate envoy John Kerry, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment said on Thursday.

Both sides agreed that climate change is a common challenge facing humanity, and it is of great significance for the two countries to join hands and cooperate in addressing this challenge, according to the ministry.

The two sides also introduced to each other their measures and actions in tackling climate change, and had in-depth discussions on energy transition, global green industry supply chains, as well as low-carbon, zero-carbon and carbon-negative technologies.

As agreed between China and the U.S., Kerry visited China from Sunday to Wednesday. Besides having a reported four-hour dialogue with Xie on Monday, Kerry also separately met with Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China Central Committee Wang Yi.

During the relevant meetings, both China and the U.S. demonstrated commitment to implementing the consensus reached by their leaders, properly managing differences, jointly addressing climate change, and willingness to bring China-U.S. relations back onto the right track.


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