
China backs an international peace conference to push the Palestinian issue back to the track of two-state solution: top diplomat

2023-11-02 09:18:15Global Times Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download

China supports the convening of a more authoritative, broader and more effective international peace conference as soon as possible to push the Palestinian issue back to the track of the two-state solution, said Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, in a phone conversation on Wednesday with Omani Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Albusaidi.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, noted that the current situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate, with an increasing number of casualties among the civilians. Any country with a conscience and a sense of responsibility can't allow such a tragedy to continue. The recent emergency special session of the UN General Assembly passed a resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian truce, reflecting the strong call from the international community, Wang said.

The root cause of the Palestinian issue lies in the failure to restore and guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of the Palestinian people, and the way out to solve this problem is to implement the "two-state solution," Wang noted.

China assumes the rotating presidency of the Security Council for the month of November, said Wang, adding that China will strengthen coordination with all parties, especially Arab countries, to uphold justice, build consensus, and make unremitting efforts to de-escalate the conflict, protect civilians, alleviate the humanitarian situation, and resume the peace process, Wang said.

Oman highly appreciates China's just and constructive position on the Palestinian issue, the Omani foreign minister said.

China has consistently called on all parties involved to be restraint and push forward a ceasefire. China has fully demonstrated its commitment to fairness and justice, as well as its responsible and leadership role as a major country in the international community, by voting in favor of the resolution proposed by Arab countries in the UN General Assembly, he said.

Oman holds a highly consistent position with China, believing that dialogue is the only way to solve the issue, and hoping to restart the Middle East peace process as soon as possible, the Omani foreign minister said.

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